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  • ARTICLE 1. (Object)

    The object of the Society is to discover the gifted as studying them, support their study in science, encourage them to choose career in science, and produce good scientists with national competitiveness, and contribute to nation's economic development and national culture and global science development.

  • ARTICLE 2. (Corporation Name)

    The name of the Society is "The Society for the International Gifted in Science (SIGS)."

  • ARTICLE 3 (Location of Office)

    Sigs shall have its Office in Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea


    ① Sigs conducts following purpose business to fulfill the above purpose.

    1. Educate and support academic research for the gifted in science.
    2. Support holding academic research presentation for the gifted in science.
    3. Support publishing journal and related publication for the gifted in science.
    4. Build and operate a web site informing the gifted in science.
    5. Develop and popularize education program for the gifted in science.
    6. Business to activate research of the members.
    7. Interact and build network with domestic and international institute related to the gifted in science.

    ② Sigs should be approved by competent administrative agency whenever it does profit business. It is in the same way when it modifies the business.

  • ARTICLE 5. (Grant Beneficiary)

    ①Sigs grant to beneficiary is without compensation in the business of article 4. It should have supervisory authority's consent in advance of the beneficiary paying a part.

    ② Benefit provided by the execution of the business purpose of this corporation does not discriminate because of birthplace of the beneficiaries, the school of origin, place of employment, such as by social status or any other profession.


  • ARTICLE 6 (Membership)

    Types of Membership of Sigs are as follows and those who agree with the spirit of this corporation, the approval to submit the prescribed application form for membership, become a member.

    ① Regular member
    Recognized as a person who has an interest in the education for the gifted in science, science education and science at the University, a person who has made the process related to the education for the gifted in science, and who have equivalent qualifications by the Board or the person making the research activities related to the education for the gifted in science.

    ② International membership
    Those who have been doing activities related to the education for the gifted in science as experts or agree with the spirit of this corporation and do not have the nationality of the Republic of Korea.

    ③ Student member
    A person who is determined to be a gifted science student enrolled in the school below university level or equivalent qualified.

    ④ Institution member
    Academic research groups and institutions who support the purpose of this corporation, and contribute to the business.

    ⑤ Cooperation Membership
    Person or entity has donated and supported the approval for the purposes of this corporation

  • ARTICLE 7. Regular member's rights and duties.

    ① The member of this corporation are entitled as follows.

    1. Members who pay an annual fee during the year, the right to vote and eligibility for election of officers
    2. All members are entitled to provide information and publications published in this corporation

    ②The member is entitled to the duties as follows.

    1. Obligation to comply with the relevant provisions of the Articles of Incorporation of this corporation.
    2. Obligation to comply with the decisions that have been determined by this corporation.
    3. The member needs to pay the membership fee

  • ARTICLE 8. (Exit of Membership)

    When a member is applicable to each of the following items, lose that qualification.

    1. Resignation by the intention of himself
    2. Expulsion decision by the board of director


  • ARTICLE 9. (Number of Directors)

    1. One Chairman (President)
    2. Vice-Presidents within five
    3. (Including the President, Vice President) More than 10 and less than 20 directors.

  • ARTICLE 10. (Term of Director)

    1. The president maintains his/her position for 2 years, and may be re-elected.
    2. When there is a vacancy in the term of a director, the term of office of directors elected to fill a vacancy shall be the remaining term of the existing directors in office.

  • ARTICLE 11. (Election of Directors)

    1. The president is elected by direct election of the regular members at the general meeting and appointed with the approval of the competent administrative agency during that year.
    2. Vice-president is recommended by the president of that year and approved and rarified by the board of director and appointed by the president.
    3. Directors and auditors are elected by general meeting among regular members.
    4. Directors take office through approval and ratification of general meeting with the approval of the competent administrative agency.
    5. Dismissal before his/her term expire needs to be decided by board of director and approved by supervisory authority.

  • ARTICLE 12. (Duty of Directors)

    1. The president shall be present of the company, and execute works resolved and exercise control of the overall business of the company.
    2. Vice president assists president. In the event that the president is unable to perform his duty, the elders of vice presidents execute for the unexpired term.
    3. Directors deliberate on matters concerning corporation in attendance of board of directors and handle matters delegated from the board of director or the President.
    4. Directors shall pay a prescribed fee according to their level.


  • ARTICLE 15. (The Purpose of the General Meeting) The general meeting discusses the following.

    1. Election of director.
    2. Discussions of alternative articles.
    3. Approval of accounts and budget.
    4. Approval of business plan.
    5. Dissolution of the corporation.
    6. The other important items.

  • ARTICLE 16. (Call for General Meeting)

    1. The meetings consist of regular general meetings and extraordinary general meetings. Regular general meetings are convened every year and extraordinary general meetings are convened when the president recognize the need. The president shall be chairman of the general meeting.
    2. The president clearly outlines the meeting agendas and informs the members 15 days in advance.
    3. The general meeting can vote for the notices referred in paragraph 2.

  • ARTICLE 17. (Quorum for Resolution)

    The general meeting opens when regular members attend. The resolution of the Board of Directors shall be adopted by presence of the majority of the directors and the vote of a majority of the directors present.

  • ARTICLE 18. extraordinary general meeting (example)

    1. The president may call for extraordinary general meeting within 15 days when there is a request.

    ① When there is a request for a meeting by petition with signature from more than one third of the current directors.
    ② When there is a request for a meeting from an auditor under article 13, paraphrase 4.
    ③ When there is a request for a meeting by presenting purpose of meeting from more than one fifth of the directors.

    2. When the general meeting is impossible to convene because the person with right to convene a meeting is vacant or avoid his/her responsibility, the general meeting can be convened by the vote of majority of current directors or vote of one third of regular members with supervisory authority.

    3. The elders of vice presidents shall be the chairman of paraphrase 2.

  • Article 19. (Cause for Exclusion of Decision of General Meeting)

    When the chairman or members come under following each paraphrase, he/she cannot vote for the decision.

    1. Items about him/herself with taking office and dismissal of director
    2. Items that member him/herself and the corporation share contrasting interests with transffering money and property


  • Article 20. (Purpose of Board of Directors)

    Board of directors deliberate and decide on following items.

    1. The management of business
    2. Operation of business plan
    3. Items concerning drawing out budget and balance sheet
    4. Items delegated from the general meeting.
    5. Items within its competence by the articles of incorporation.
    6. The other important items.

  • ARTICLE 21. (Quorum for Resolution)

    ① The resolution of the board of directors shall be adopted by presence of a majority of the directors and the vote of a majority of the directors present. In the case of tie, the president shall decide the issue. proxy shall be included in the attendance quorum, but his voting rights is not permitted.
    ② The auditor can state opinion in attendance of board of directors.
    The auditor state opinion in attendance of general meeting and board of directors.

  • ARTICLE 22. (Convening of the meeting of Board of Directors)

    ① The meeting of the board of directors shall be convened by the representative of director. The representative director shall be chairman of the general meeting.
    ② Director shall give each director notice of the date and time at least 7days prior thereto

  • Article 23. (Exception of Convening the Board of Directors)

    ① The president, when it falls under one of the following items, shall convene the board of directors within 7 days from the date of the request.

    1. When there is a request for a meeting by presenting purpose of meeting from more than one third of the current directors.
    2. When the auditor request for a meeting by article 13.

    ② When the board of directors is impossible to convene more than 7 days, because the person with right to convene a board is vacant or avoid his/her responsibility, the board can be convened by the vote of majority of current directors with supervisory authority.
    ③ The elders of vice presidents shall be the chairman of paraphrase 2.

  • Article 24. (Ban Documentary Resolution)

    The proceedings of the board of the directors cannot be done by documentary resolution.


  • Article 25. (Division of property)

    ① Property of this corporation is divided into fundamental property and common property.
    ② Property that fall under one of the following items is fundamental property, and all property other than common property is common property.

    1. The property contributed as fundamental property at the time of establishment.
    2. The property donated and acquired at no cost. But the property approved by supervisory authority of the difficulty for the purpose of donation shall not apply.
    3. Common property that was decided to be incorporated into the fundamental property by the board or directors.
    4. The reserve in annual surplus is also included in fundamental property.

    ③ Fundamental property of the corporation is as follows.

    1. Fundamental property at the time of establishment is as stated in the accompanying sheet.
    2. Fundamental property of the current is as stated in the accompanying sheet.

  • Article 26. (Property Management)

    ① In the case of sale, donation, lease, exchange, furnishing of collateral, or to renounce right, burden of obligations with fundamental property of item 3 of article 2 and the permission of the supervisory authority is need after the resolution of the board of directors.
    ② When the corporation acquire property in the way of purchase, nonpayment of donation, any other way, it must be incorporated into the property of this corporation without delay.
    ③ The maintenance, preservation and other management of fundamental property and common property will be stipulated by the general meeting (Except in the case of paraphrase 1 and paraphrase 2)
    ④ When there is a change in the list of fundamental property or the appraised property, you must change the list of accompanying sheet and take steps of modification of the articles of incorporation.

  • Article 27. (Finance)

    The corporation accounts maintain its activity from the following financial sources.

    1. Membership fee
    2. Fruits of asset
    3. Contribution of government and corporation
    4. Subsidy and support payments
    5. The other research fund and revenue

  • Article 28. (Financial Year)

    Fiscal year of this corporation conforms to the government's fiscal year.

  • Article 29. (Revenue, Expenditure, Budget)

    ① Business plan and budget bill of the corporation become operative after going through resolution of board of directors and general meeting's approval.
    ② Business of the year and balance sheet of the settlement of accounts of the year are approved by the general meeting after audit of the auditor and resolution of the Board of Directors with the inventory of property at the end of the year.

  • Article 30 (Arrangement of Membership Fee)

    Registration fees and annual charges are decided at the general meeting after deliberation of the board of directors according to the attached table.


  • Article 31. (Modification of the article of incorporation)

    When you try to change the articles of incorporation, you must obtain permission from the supervisory authority through a resolution of the general meeting and the approval of a majority of the directors.

  • Article 32. (Dissolution)

    When trying to dissolve this corporation, we must obtain the permission of the supervisory authority through a resolution of the general meeting by more than two-thirds of the enrolled members.

  • Article 33. (Devolvement of Residual Property)

    When the corporation was dissolved residual property is donated to the country or organization of the same non-profit corporation.

  • Article 34. (Detailed Enforcement Regulations)

    Requirements with operation of this articles of incorporation are prescribed by detailed rule at the board of directors.

  • Article 35. (Public Announcement)

    The items provided in the law must be operated through public announcement.

  • Article 36. (Provisions Applicable Mutates Mutandis)

    The items not specified in this article of incorporation are enforced by provision from the resolution of the board of directors, apply mutatis mutandis Civil Code provisions relating corporation, law and enforcement decree of establishment and operation of the certified corporation.